Monday, April 18, 2016

Defiled Hero Chapter 049

Chapter 049:
Defiled Hero

Comedy Of The Dead

The grave of the hero? (Izayoi)

My own grave is before me. It was created quite splendidly, I wonder if I should be happy. Although there's nobody inside the grave, I wonder if Anya believes that the me of the past is in there.

The hero was kind, and always tried hard, having fun and smiling along with everyone else, and tried his hardest for everyone's sake... Ah, that's right. Do you want to hear something interesting about the hero? (Anya)

Is there an interesting story about the hero? (Izayoi)

Which story? I don't remember anything about being laughed at.

Umm, the hero liked to see everyone smiling, and trained the hardest to become strong to fight against the monsters and protect those smiles. He only fought, but I told him, fighting isn't the only way to protect everyone's smiles. There are many ways to make people smile, and working too hard is no good I said,

Then I, in order to let everyone be happy, will become the first comedian in the land.

I said, but after working with Grey to become a comedy act, the first live act was held. (Anya)

Anya spoke happily while giggling.

Though I don't understand how the story is funny, Anya seems to think it's amusing.

So, how were they as actors? (Izayoi)

Well, yes, I did not understand very well, but the people that went were incredibly happy... Rather than laughing at the jokes, Grey and the hero performing the act were laughed at. (Anya)

...I see. (Izayoi)

I wonder if I played the fool too much. Well, no use worrying about the past. I was still immature in those days.

The direction was a little bit off, but it was fine because it was lively. It exploded among the young people, and there are more and more people today who try to become actors. If you want to become an actor, it is said you have to greet the hero at his grave. (Anya)

What a strange initiation. (Izayoi)

Even if you say it's strange, well, I like it a lot. It's interesting, isn't it? (Anya)

As she said so, she smiled happily.

I really don't understand Anya's main point after all.

Even though it was interesting, Grey said, Please. Stop repeating that story. You're making a joke of the knight order. It hurts my dignity, with an unpleasant face. (Anya)

Of course. If the leader of the knights of legend were made fun of, there would be people talking about him behind his back. However, what doesn't exist in the past cannot be handed down. It's not running away, but I'm the only one necessary for the story. (Izayoi)

That's what you would think, right? However, Grey didn't want to talk about it... The only one who understood was Izayoi. Even if I tell this story, everyone says, The hero was a weird person, or I feel sorry for Grey for having to put up with it, and things like that. I think he should be more proud about it. (Anya)

Ah, it wasn't anything shameful. I think I should be proud too. (Izayoi)

That really is so. Yes, I finally found someone who I can talk happily with. Izayoi... was your name. (Anya)

That's right, Izayoi. (Izayoi)

Anya reached for my hand and moved, and felt my body. She silently felt my stomach, then placed both of her hands on my cheeks.

Yes, I remember your voice, and your face is about the same... Hm? Izayoi, you have an eye patch, can you not see out of your left eye? (Anya)

That's right, I can't. (Izayoi)

Are you okay? Isn't it inconvenient not being able to see? (Anya)

...I don't want to hear that from someone who can't see at all. (Izayoi)

Ehehe, that's right. Ever since I was born, I have memorized the place, and because I received kindness from people it was alright... Was your left eye injured? (Anya)

More than four years ago, my eye was torn out. Only having half my vision is a serious hindrance, but because I can compensate with my hearing, it doesn't feel very inconvenient. (Izayoi)

I see, that's amazing. I'm alright because I can remember... Now that we're done greeting, shall we head back? (Anya)

I told you that the space is not as large as you think it is. (Izayoi)
It's not that small. I can do it you know. Here, watch me. (Anya)

She declared and walked past, returning without running into anything.

Even though we met after a long time, she seems to be doing well. Fiere playing around somewhere should plenty satisfied about now.

Tsuyuha may come chasing after us later. I should think of what to do after we leave the center of the capital.

*Hawawa...* Caught you oniichan. (Fiere)

Wait Izayoi! Why did you disappear on your own! Weren't you worried!? (Tsuyuha)

The entrance of the church. An incredibly angry cat-eared miniskirt-wearing young girl was being held there.

—As I expected, a meddling cat-eared girl with no breasts. You passed the mission of finding me after I suddenly disappeared. (Izayoi)

Mission for finding you? What do you mean? (Tsuyuha)

Tsuyuha, you finished Zenesys' training before. However, finding someone who has disappeared is the last exam. (Izayoi)

Y, you don't say! (Anya)


  1. NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for translating

  2. You should realize that any news on april 1 will not be taken seriously .

  3. Hahaaaa when I saw you posted 10 chapters in a row I thought it was a troll but I still read it. Half way through I thought :"Oh so there's a translator who doesn't troll on April 1st". Then the in this chapter you finally SHOW YOUR TRUE COLORS.

  4. I dont think that bit at the end about the auther is a joke just check did not see any post for the past few months

    1. Oh Yeah I have just checked it the author really hadn't updated any chapters for the past few months T_T

    2. As of March 30th, 2016... You know that was yesterday right?

    3. The author hasn't published a chapter since the end of January :(

  5.    ____
      ∧_∧ ∧_∧\
    /( ・`ω´・ ) ( ・`ω´・ ) \
    | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
    | THANKS!! NEPU!! |

  6. Thanks for translating the chapters ~!!!!!
    I seriously thought it was a troll since it's april fools....
    there's no helping it if the author hadn't written any continuation *sigh..

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.
